Wanted : Thicker, stronger, healthier hair.

thick hair

We take it for granted that our skin changes as we age. As we note the new wrinkles, laughter lines and the frankly quite alarming loss of elasticity in our faces, our make-up and skin care regimes alter accordingly. We don’t have to think about it too much as the beauty industry is forever reminding us which serums, creams and varying thicknesses of poly-filler are needed to cope with the inevitable process of ageing. We are drawn to these beautifully packaged magic potions and (after donning reading specs to check the teeny tiny instructions), we apply liberally, with hope in our hearts.

Unfortunately, the same ageing process applies to our hair. As we hurtle into our 30’s and beyond, our hair will become drier, resulting in a heck of a lot more frizz. It will break more easily, thin and, in most cases, grey hairs will appear.

“It’s perfectly normal to loose as many as 100 hairs a day, no matter what your age”, says Shine’s Jonathan, “but due to hormonal changes, hair will begin to thin and, coupled with a shorter growing phase, can result in more hair loss. The pattern of hair loss in women is above the ears and the sides of the head, so we can keep an eye on that and change your hairstyle accordingly. Generally older hair is best when it’s well maintained in a defined shape - for example, a layered shag works well.”

The invati system from Aveda has been formulated specifically to deal with hair in the throws of a mid-life crisis. For thicker, fuller looking hair first use the invati exfoliating shampoo to remove the build-up that can clog pores and renew the scalp with wintergreen derived salicylic acid.

Follow up with the invati thickening conditioner which contains soy protein and naturally derived amino acids to mimic hair’s building blocks to help weightlessly thicken hair. Finally, spray the invati scalp revitalizer as directed to help keep the hair you do have, for longer. Ask your stylist or Miriam about these products, all of which are available in the salon.

Jonathan also suggests that as we get older it is necessary to rethink our hair colour. “So many clients hold on to the habit of wanting lighter, blonder hair. My wife is a perfect example of this, but I try to explain that it can be quite harsh on the skin and only serves to highlight any wrinkles and fine lines.”

”I would almost always advise warmer tones, I’m thinking more caramel shades, and for redheads wanting to cover up those greys, avoid the burgundy shades and go for copper tones. Even if greys aren’t a problem, a change of colour will add that extra gloss to older hair, which loses it’s natural shine and becomes dull.”